The Bluebird Bookmarklet

Matt Patenaude

Bluebird supports an internal URL scheme in order to make theme development easier. This has a lovely side effect, however, of making it very easy to create "bookmarklets," or little links that you can drag to your bookmarks toolbar in Safari (or your browser of choice) to perform Bluebird-based actions. Currently, we've created two, both of which require Bluebird 1.0 Beta 1.5 or later.

Share with Bluebird

Clicking the "Share with Bluebird" button while in Safari will initiate a new tweet with the URL of the current website already inserted. Pretty handy, eh?

Share with Bluebird

Reply in Bluebird

Clicking this button while viewing a particular status on the Twitter web interface will initiate a reply to that status from within Bluebird. For example, visit an old status of ours, and give the button a try, you'll see what happens.

Reply in Bluebird